
Posts Tagged ‘HTML 5’

Websocket and Windows .. Why…. :(

December 7, 2012 1 comment

As you know, I’ve been playing a lot with WebSocket lately. What I expect is the built in websocket support in IIS. Previously I use websocket library server like SuperWebsocket or

Fleck. But because we have already run IIS on port 80, we have to use another port for websocket. Not a standard one. This is actually against the specification and cause a lot of problem in the strict network policy environment.


The beauty of websocket is in that part. It use a standard port. Open a non standard port in some company is very difficult job. Firewall and proxy friendly in the future. Of course you can use tweak to make it run in the same port or use proxy to enable the behaviour. But that’s unnatural.

Finally i ‘m so happy because it will be supported in the IIS 8 with help .NET 4.5. You can take a look at this interesting article. Very simple codes for websocket. Just create the ashx handler and it works.


But the happiness ends there.. Take a look at this picture..





You should definitely sad to hear about this one. We can be expected just to change our production server in the short run. There are a lot of work need to be done.

So we have to find another alternative right ? until next post. Smile



Categories: .NET, HTML 5, IIS, WebSocket Tags: , , ,